Governance » Board of Governors

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is a self-perpetuating body charged with protecting the mission and vision of the school.
Ambassadors for Christ
The mission of Holy Trinity Classical Christian School is to be distinctly classical and distinctively Christian.
Holy Trinity Classical Christian School enters into a partnership with parents as we educate students, grades Preschool-12th with a Biblical worldview.
Holy Trinity Classical Christian School is committed to the pursuit of truth, wisdom, scholastic excellence, and the love of learning.
With the Holy Scriptures as the foundation for all they learn, Holy Trinity Classical Christian School students will be ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, prepared to defend and advance the apostolic Christian faith.
Our Vision Statement:
We cultivate joyful, virtuous, and wise citizens whose lives are built upon the bedrock of faith in Christ, taking His Gospel to the ends of the earth.
For a complete list of current Board of Governors' members, please use the link provided below. Read more about the Board of Governors’ role in founding Holy Trinity Classical Christian School here.