English & Literature » English & Literature

English & Literature

The Classics
English mastery in reading, writing, and speaking is the mark of an educated person.
But these multifaceted skills require many years to reach a high level. An essential component of superior English skills is the study of a classical language, so our Latin curriculum supports and enhances the English skills of our students. Students study English grammar and vocabulary in both English and Latin classes, beginning in 2nd grade.
Another factor in the development of superior language skills is the study of good literature, which provides models of correct English and excellence in writing. The ear and eye are trained by constant exposure to good English usage.
Students learn best by imitation. Our classroom reading selections are carefully chosen to increase in reading difficulty each year. Books are read slowly and thoroughly in class, accompanied by literature guides, which include a selection of poetry.
Poetry is intense and requires careful, slow, and repeated reading. Poetry requires thought and is especially effective in developing comprehension and thinking skills.
As evidenced by our Literature Book List  for each grade, Holy Trinity Classical Christian School chooses the very best literature and poetry for each age, works that model heroes, virtues, and high ideals.
English grammar, usage, and composition are taught yearly in each of the grammar school years at Holy Trinity Classical Christian School.
Developing legible and attractive cursive handwriting and penmanship is a high priority at Holy Trinity Classical Christian School.
“A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say.”
–Italo Calvino, The Uses of Literature